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Insurance; including but not limited to:

- Life insurance, disability and critical illness

- Group insurance (for groups of 2 or more persons)

All our services are endorsed by a team of professional associates and always include a preliminary fact finding and needs analysis.

Our services can involve financial and fiscal planning, to save you estate taxes at death. Yves Paradis & Associates provides this service in an effort to alleviate you of substantial taxes applied at the time of death to all your assets (except cash and your principal residence).

We will help you review all your options. Our services go well beyond a simple quote. The least expensive company is not necessarily the best choice.  

For business persons or if you have taxable assets,  estate tax issues always need to be considered. To save you substantial capital gains taxes at the time of death, your life insurance should be properly assessed by a team of professionals.  

At Yves Paradis and Associates we deal with all the life insurance companies. Using a comprehensive market survey program we show  the prices  from  each company . But prices can be misleading.  We   may do  preliminary inquiries  to see which company can propose the best offer to match your needs


Do you have a will?

At Yves Paradis & Associates we will always ask you if you have a will.

Without a will, if you are married with children, your spouse will only get a 1/3 of your assets and your children will get the remaining 2/3 of the assets. (This stems from the old farms laws that sought to leave the farm to the children).

If you have a common law partner and you are not married, the surviving spouse will have no right to the assets of the deceased partner. Even in the case of co-ownership of a residence, the portion of the deceased common law partner goes to the estate of the deceased. 

If you do not have a will, matters are further complicated if both spouses die and there are children involved. The issue becomes who will raise your children and take care of the assets; the public curator?